Monday, September 28, 2009


You may notice that I've added a section in the sidebar called "Donate Now." While this seems pretty self-explanatory, I thought I should be a bit clearer about where the money is going.

We are collecting money for school uniforms, school fees, and food parcels for children in households headed by a grandparent or child because the parents have died of AIDS.
The costs are as follows:
- School uniform for two seasons: $84.50
- School fees pre-school per month: $6.50
- School fees school age per quarter: $58.50
- Food parcels for 3-person household per month: $71.50

The trip is almost entirely financed by the participants out of their own pockets, which is a significant expense in both money and time to represent the church and do the work of serving Tapologo. In order to reduce the financial strain on participants, we are also asking people to share in our ground transportation expenses (van rental and gas). Please consider how you might support this work.

You can also help by:
- Continuing to buy African candles from the Faith Bookshop at First Reformed Church
- Collecting unopened children's vitamins and dropping them off in the box in Assembly Hall.
- Knitting or sewing child-sized blankets to be delivered to Tapologo.
- Committing to the next trip to South Africa, tentatively planned for May 2010.

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